WordPress, for the blog platform. Easy to install and use, just the right thing that you need if you want to have your web site without spending much time in DB error or other type of conflicts that have nothing to do with you!
Andreas Viklund: for the template. I’ve modified it, but good code lets you to make your modifications in an easy way. Visit Andreas web site to see other free or commercial templates.
Alex Rabe: for NextGEN gallery plugin. Thanks to him and to the people writing in his forum for the suggestions they gave me. Alex developed also other plugins for WordPress. A visit to his site is a good way to spend your time.
Keith Murray: for the plugin Random Image Selector. You see it in our home page, the picture change at every re-load.
Giuseppe Surace: per il plugin di Sendit con il quale gestiamo la newsletter di ScriCal. For the Newsletter plugin Sendit, that we use to keep you informed.
Camu: per un programmino piccolo, piccolo, ma molto utile per avere in una pagina wordpress la lista dei file di una directory. For a tiny but very useful piece of software that allow to have on a wordpress page the list of a directory content.